Kindergarten (Kinder)

Kindergarten Curriculum


Learning to worship God and love Jesus is an important part of the curriculum.  Daily Bible lessons and weekly chapels lead to understanding of the basics of the Christian faith. In Kindergarten, children learn familiar children’s stories and heroes from the Bible. 

Reading/ Language Arts

TK stresses the pre-reading and pre-literacy skills such as alphabet recognition, sound association, sequencing, left to right progression, visual discrimination, following directions, listening, literature, auditory discrimination, and much more.  Eye tracking and other small and large motor skills develop during this year.Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten students continue to refine these skills in a more structured, longer and developmentally more challenging context.  They learn to read, write, and express their ideas orally.  They will comprehend what they read at their appropriate reading level. They develop vocabulary and literature appreciation. 


It is important in both TK and Kinder that students gain understanding of the patterns and meaning in exploring the meaning of the many facets of math in daily life.  Manipulative materials promote understanding of the conceptual nature of math.  Calendar, graphing, charting, ordering, sequencing, counting, weighing, measuring, and grouping are just a few of the important concepts that are taught.  Many students come to TK or Kindergarten with some rote memorization of math facts already begun, but these foundational concepts are critical to later success in math.  Both TK and Kinder students explore many aspects of science and social studies.  They begin with learning about themselves and moving through family life, community, and the wonders of God's creation.  Curriculum for science meets the California framework and lays the foundation for observation and experimentation in the following years. Cultural diversity and responsibility for the environment are taught and affirmed.  Many of the concepts are woven in with the language arts curriculum.  In both TK and Kinder the children are affirmed in their creativity through a variety of experiences in music and art.  Crafts provide skill practice in cutting, fine motor skills and following directions.  Fine art activities promote understanding of the world as they see it, and enrich the spiritual life of the child. 

Motor Skills

Both fine and gross motor skills are critical in promoting readiness for reading and math success. Teamwork and healthy living habits are also emphasized.  Playgrounds are designed purposefully by experts in child development so that students are challenged to develop flexibility, balance and fluid motion. A new play structure for our youngest students was installed in late 2009.  Physical education is a part of the kindergarten curriculum and is taught by the classroom teacher. Students in kindergarten see the music specialist once a week for instruction that includes vocal music, rhythm, and an introduction to instruments.  They perform musical concerts for their parents in December and May.