"Transforming lives for Christ through excellence in education, relationships and service"
The library is a hub of learning as students choose from over 10,000 books, arranged and coded to guide them to literature appropriate to their interests and reading level. A skilled and knowledgeable librarian helps them to make choices and evaluate the literature through a computerized comprehension-testing program. All students are involved in the “Accelerated Reading Program.” This program challenges the students to read books for leisure and gradually increase their reading level and comprehension. The program assesses the students reading level, recommends books to read at or slightly above their level, and keeps track of the student’s progress by providing reports for teachers and parents. Independent tests have shown this program to be very effective at improving reading ability, vocabulary, and reading comprehension over traditional methods.
The Language Arts program in grades K-5 combines the skills of reading, comprehension, writing, grammar, speaking and listening, vocabulary, study skills and spelling within the context of an entertaining piece of fiction, non-fiction, or poetry. This program is designed to integrate across the curriculum. Activities in social studies, math, science, and health and safety are incorporated.
Biblical Perspective: God has revealed Himself to us through language in His written word found in the Bible. He created us with the capacity to think, speak, listen, read and write, and to communicate through written and spoken language. We study literature to help us examine the important questions of life from a biblical perspective as we analyze and synthesize information. We study oral and written communication skills for our own creative expression in praise to our creator, God, and to equip us to share the truths of Christianity.The language arts program provides a fullness of learning for students through an integrated approach. Through the study of literature, the short story, poem, play, essay, and novel are taught. Skills such as reading, writing, grammar usage, mechanics, spelling, vocabulary, critical thinking, listen, and speaking are taught. An emphasis on grade-appropriate vocabulary is present in all grades. Extensive study of vocabulary roots is completed in the 8th grade year in preparation for college-prep high schools. Novel studies are specifically chosen to complement each grade-level social studies focus. The Common Core State Standards serve as the basis of our curriculum and instruction.